Author: Melissa Masters
FBI: Seeking Info On Body Of Woman Found In Maryland, Discovered By Hikers
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Baltimore Field Office is seeking the public’s assistance with identifying a woman whose body was found at [...]
Donald Trump Announces Ohio Rally June 26th
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a major rally in Wellington, Ohio on Saturday, June 26, 202 [...]
Arkansas Man Pleads Guilty, Paying For Video Of ‘Decoy’ 9-Year-Old Florida Child Being Molested
Cody Dillon Hogan, 26, Leachville, Arkansas, has pleaded guilty to using the internet to solicit and pay an individual to molest a 9-year-old child a [...]
Why So Many People Are Turning To Fluoride Removers In Their Water
If you haven’t heard of the great Fluoride debate, you wouldn’t necessarily have been the first. Fluoride is a chemical commonly found in toothpaste [...]
BLM Protester Sues Police After Injuries From Tear Gas Grenade
Cole Crystal
A protester at a Black Lives Matter march sued the New Orleans Police Department after she was allegedly injured last year durin [...]
News Reporter Who “Called Out” TV Station For Muzzling Her, Suspended
Ivory Hecker, the Fox 26 news reporter that said her station is muzzling her and not allowing her to disseminate information to her viewers, has been [...]
Man Wanted In Florida On 15-Counts Of Sexual Battery Of A Child, Arrested In Michigan
A man featured on the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office's "Warrant Wednesday" segment on social media and in a Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay press r [...]
Vacation Home Sales Skyrocket As A Result Of Pandemic
The sale of and demand for vacation homes soared during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study from the National Association of RealtorsÒ. T [...]
Massive Chemical Plant Explosion Rocks Small Illinois Town, Residents Evacuated Monday
An explosion at a chemical plant Monday in Rockton, Illinois, prompted authorities to evacuate residents in a one-mile radius of the site.
The Che [...]
Mississippi School Band Volunteer And Bus Driver Pleads Guilty To Producing Child Porn
A former Jackson Public School band volunteer and bus driver pleaded guilty on Monday, to producing child pornography, announced Acting U.S. Attorney [...]