Author: Liam Edgar

1 421 422 423 424 4230 / 4231 POSTS
U.S. Poll: GOP Voters Overwhelmingly Say Their Party Should Stick With Trumpism

U.S. Poll: GOP Voters Overwhelmingly Say Their Party Should Stick With Trumpism

by: Liam Edgar Liberals have spent the last five years hating Donald Trump, and made no bones about it. They hated the tweets. The hated self-a [...]
U.S. Based Goya Foods Honors AOC With ‘Employee of The Month’

U.S. Based Goya Foods Honors AOC With ‘Employee of The Month’

by: Liam Edgar Barack Obama, as president, was arguably the best friend gunmakers and firearms retailers ever had. Gun sales surged by the mill [...]
New Florida Congressman: GOP’s ‘Freedom Force’ Touts Low Taxes, Less Regulation to Beat Back AOC and The Squad

New Florida Congressman: GOP’s ‘Freedom Force’ Touts Low Taxes, Less Regulation to Beat Back AOC and The Squad

by: Liam Edgar Republicans in congressional elections pulled the shocker of the season. GOP candidates ousted at least 10 Democratic incumbents [...]
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio Blasts Dr. Fauci on Lies

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio Blasts Dr. Fauci on Lies

When it came to COVID-19, we’ve been told for months to “trust the science,” and that anyone who disputed the “science” was risking people’s lives. [...]
Georgia State University and “vir,” “zer,” or “yoself”

Georgia State University and “vir,” “zer,” or “yoself”

A year ago on Quora a concerned poster delicately seeking not to offend asked, “As a cis person, should I add my pronouns in my Twitter bio, or would [...]
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Not God’s Gift To Politics

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Not God’s Gift To Politics

Op-Ed by: Liam Edgar New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may believe he is God’s gift to politics. But many of his fellow New Yorkers disagree. Make [...]
Florida Senate Minority Leader Puts “Assault Weapons” Ban Back on the Table

Florida Senate Minority Leader Puts “Assault Weapons” Ban Back on the Table

As each new dawn brings the sunrise from the east, the dawn of a new legislative session in Florida brings a gun-control bill from Democrats in the L [...]
Op-Ed: Should Catholics Have Faith That Biden Will Protect Their Interests

Op-Ed: Should Catholics Have Faith That Biden Will Protect Their Interests

Op-Ed by: Liam Edgar For one of the few times in recent U.S. history, Joe Biden’s election has the mainstream media focused on faith – and not in [...]
Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s Push to Protect Religious Freedoms

Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s Push to Protect Religious Freedoms

Back in April, as the coronavirus was tightening its grip on the nation, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy uttered one of the most mind-blowing statements [...]
Do Americans Need “Barcodes” to Track U.S. Vaccinations, Andrew Yang Thinks So

Do Americans Need “Barcodes” to Track U.S. Vaccinations, Andrew Yang Thinks So

Former Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang was recently back in the news with a bizarre suggestion about the COVID-19 vaccine. "Is there a [...]
1 421 422 423 424 4230 / 4231 POSTS