This is an article in the continuing series of learning about the Constitution and our rights as American citizens. Article One Section 8 of the Constitution This section of the Constitution enumerates the specific powers granted to Congress. Congress is allowed to make laws only…
Read More Congress, and the Powers GrantedAuthor: Dorothy Lenz
How A Bill Becomes a Law
This is an article in the continuing series of learning about the Constitution and our rights as American citizens. Article One Sections 4-6 of the Constitution Sections 4-6 deal with how Congress organizes itself, the times of its meetings, publishing a journal, pay, privileges, and…
Read More How A Bill Becomes a LawEstablishing the Legislative Branch of the Government
This is an article in the continuing series of learning about the Constitution and our rights as American citizens Article One of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the government and gives its powers and its limits. There are 10 sections to article one.…
Read More Establishing the Legislative Branch of the GovernmentThe Importance of Knowing and Understanding the U.S. Constitution
by Dorothy Lenz This will be a special educational series of writing, on the Constitution to help folks better understand the articles and what they mean to us each day. Now, more than ever, Americans need to know what the Constitution is all about and…
Read More The Importance of Knowing and Understanding the U.S. Constitution