Author: Deborah Childress
Gun Owners Of America Tackles Florida’s Parkland School Shooting Gun Laws
Luis Valdes (Provided Photo)
They were behind the scenes of the Parkland School shooting that led to Florida’s historic anti-gun laws, unseen in R [...]
Lee Fisher International: The Joy Of Fishing Before You Go Fishing
Lee Fisher International: The Joy of Fishing Before You Go Fishing. Photo Courtesy of Lee Fisher International
Besides the beer, preparing to go f [...]
3-Day Big Splash Of Giving Starts Tonight In Tampa
Christmas Gifts (File)
TAMPA, Fla. - Over 300 of Tampa’s homeless, disabled and homeless veterans, battered women, and people in recovery will be [...]
Victor Crist: An Icon For Justice
Victor Crist (Provided Photo)
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. - Victor Crist, the former re-elected State Senator who expects to become Hillsborough Cou [...]
Rochford For U.S. House Against Castor Talks Israel Through Navy Experience
Rocky Rochford with Dr. Lisette Bonano, a Judeo-Christian and the Ambassador for Christian Women for Israel (photo courtesy of Rocky Rochford Campaig [...]
Victor Crist: The Legacy That Drives His Election As Hillsborough County Clerk Of Court And Comptroller
Victor Crist (Campaign Website)
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. - Victor Crist, Republican, is known for his leadership over transformative statewide co [...]
Critical Debate Pending Between Castor And Rochford
Critical Debate Pending Between Castor And Rochford
TAMPA, Fla. – Retired U.S. Navy Captain “Rocky” Rochford said Monday that Rep. Kathy Castor ha [...]
VP Harris Expected To ‘Shoot Down’ Lead Bullets, Fishing Tackle If Elected
Bullet Fragmentation (Unsplash)
Gun Owners of America, a two-million-member, nonprofit gun lobbying organization, has announced its latest defense [...]
Rochford Versus Castor Heats Up For Greater Tampa U.S. House Seat
Rocky Rochford (Photo Provided)
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. – After a 33-year decorated military career, Rocky Rochford, a retired U.S. Navy Captai [...]
Conservatives Get Clarion Call To Vote In The Primaries. Here’s Why.
Voting Booths Source: TFP File Photo
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. – As Hillsborough County’s Democrat voter rolls are drastically diminishing, the Hi [...]