Author: Brad Buck
UF/IFAS Plows Forward To Breed And Grow A ‘Superfood’ The Pomegranate
Pomegranates are sweet, juicy and one day they could grow abundantly in Florida. They taste good, and they’re full of nutrients, including antioxidan [...]
UF Project Hopes To ‘Certify’ Appropriate Plants As Wildlife-Friendly
By: Brad Buck
Increasingly, consumers want plants that support wildlife, such as pollinators. That’s why UF/IFAS researchers are combining hard an [...]
University Of Florida Wildlife Ecologists Teach Public To Help Boost Bluebird Population
As pest-eaters, Eastern bluebirds benefit Florida farmers. Not only that, they’re cute. Two good reasons Hance Ellington has started a program to pre [...]
Robots May Eventually Help Kill Weeds That Impede Strawberry Yield
Strawberries growing in plasticulture at the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm, Florida.Credit: UF/IFAS photography."
BALM, [...]
New Florida-Friendly Plant App Guides You To The Right Plants For A Sustainable Landscape
As you’re finishing your spring planting, you can use a new, free UF/IFAS tool to help them select the right native and ornamental plants and turf fo [...]
UF Scientists Discover How A Native Fish Prevents The Establishment Of A Globally Invasive Species
RUSKIN, Fla. - In the battle of mosquitofish against guppies, University of Florida scientists found that the native mosquitofish won, and that’s goo [...]
UF/IFAS Develops Blueberry Cultivar Selection Tool For Florida Growers
As growers wind down this year’s Florida blueberry season, they can look to a new UF/IFAS tool to help them decide whether to remove any existing blu [...]
‘Can I Have That Candy Bar?’ More Than Anyone, Kids Influence Our Impulse Buying
Mommy, Daddy, I want that candy bar. Can we get it? Please?
As a parent, you might acquiesce when your child suddenly asks you to buy an item or t [...]
Genetic Testing Shows Some ‘Touch-Me-Not’ Flowers Resist Deadly Disease
BALM, Fla. – If you’re impatient for impatiens, a University of Florida scientist has good news for you: Some varieties of the popular flower resist [...]
A Plant For Mothers’ Day? UF/IFAS Scientists Breed Top Ornamentals
If you give mom a plant for Mother’s Day, you might appreciate the aroma and aesthetics of the flower you bought – and flora in general. You might ev [...]