As Islamic Terrorism Grabs Headlines, A Radical Democrat Wants The US To Stop ‘Islamophobia’


As Islamic Terrorism Grabs Headlines, A Radical Democrat Wants The US To Stop ‘Islamophobia’

Earlier this month, Sir David Amess, a member of Britain’s Parliament, was stabbed to death during a visit with constituents, reportedly by a Muslim extremist as an act of terrorism.

Amess’ assassination came two days after a 37-year-old Danish man, whom authorities had flagged as radicalized by Islam, shot and killed five people and wounded two others in a bow-and-arrow attack.

Those attacks occurred roughly a month after the United States solemnly marked the 20th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil – one perpetrated by 19 Muslim extremists.

Yet last week, an American congresswoman, in a perfectly Orwellian turn of the page, decided the federal government must survey and stop “Islamophobia.”

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota – a Muslim who infamously characterized 9/11 as “some people did something” – introduced the Combating International Islamophobia Act, which according to a press release by Omar’s office is intended “to address the rise in incidents of Islamophobia worldwide.”

Illinois Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky co-authored the bill. At least 30 of the most radical Democrats in Congress, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have co-sponsored it.

The measure would require the State Department to assign a special envoy to monitor and combat Islamophobia, and, the press release notes, “include state-sponsored Islamophobic violence and impunity in the Department’s annual human rights reports.”

“The creation of the Special Envoy will help policymakers better understand the interconnected, global problem of anti-Muslim bigotry. It will also establish a comprehensive strategy for establishing U.S. leadership in combatting Islamophobia worldwide,” according to the press release.

Citing what she called a “staggering” rise in” violent Islamophobia incidents worldwide,” Omar declared, “The problem of Islamophobia is global in scope.

“We are seeing a rise in Islamophobia in nearly every corner of the globe,” Omar said in a statement. “In my home state of Minnesota, vandals spray-painted hate messages and a Nazi swastika on and near the Moorhead Fargo Islamic Center. These types of incidents are all too common for Muslims in the United States and beyond.”

“As part of our commitment to international religious freedom and human rights, we must recognize Islamophobia and do all we can to eradicate it. That’s why I’m proud to partner with Rep. Jan Schakowsky to create a special envoy to put an end to this bigotry.”

Yet, as with most of the bigotry spotted by American liberals, Omar misses the point.

In November 2019 a French think tank, the Foundation for Political Innovation, released a study of Islamic terrorism from 1979 through 2019.

The foundation determined that over those 40 years Muslim fanatics committed at least 33,769 terrorist attacks worldwide, killing 167,096 people.

Since 2013, its report noted, “Islam has become the main cause of deaths due to terrorism in the world,” killing two of every three people murdered in a terrorist attack.

In addition, “the majority of the victims of Islamist terrorism are Muslims,” making up 91 percent of victims.

One prime example, the terrorist attack in Kabul during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, which killed 13 American troops but also murdered nearly 200 Afghan citizens.

Yet Omar is worried that people are saying mean things about Muslims – and wants the U.S. government to crack down on that.

Perhaps if Omar, Schlawosky, and those other Democrats want to stop “Islamophobia,” they should consider stopping radical Muslims from so routinely murdering others who share their faith.

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