The Democrats’ woke demands to defund police and decriminalize our criminal statutes are not just creating amusing anecdotes about liberal politicians calling the cops when they suddenly find themselves victimized by crime.
In Virginia, it’s costing them elected officials.
Newsmax reported on Monday that three elected county sheriffs in Virginia have recently switched to the Republican Party over the left’s unceasing attacks on law enforcement.
Newsmax cited Smyth County, Virginia, Sheriff Chip Shuler, a two-time elected Democrat, who said he quit the party “because of the relentless attack on law enforcement by Democrats in Richmond and Washington.”
“My deputies work hard to serve and protect the citizens of Smyth County. As sheriff, it has been difficult to watch my deputies try to move forward during this unprecedented assault on our profession,” Shuler said.
“We (law enforcement) remain an honorable profession and should not be judged by the bad acts of a few. I have always been a conservative throughout my law enforcement career of 38 years.”
Newsmax noted that the Smyth County GOP committee quickly and unanimously accepted Shuler into the fold.
In the exodus, Shuler joined Buchanan County Sheriff John McClanahan and Tazewell County Sheriff Brian Hieatt.
“Law enforcement is taking a hit in this country,” said McClanahan.
“There is unrest in areas and there is a cry for police reform. This I can agree with, our field is an ever-changing field that requires constant changes and updates to effectively do the job and protect our citizens,” he added.
But, the sheriff said, “The Democratic Party that we know today is no longer the party my grandfather was involved in. The ideologies of the party have shifted away from those traditional values. Currently, the Democratic Party is going against everything I stand for, pushing for defunding the police and the taking away of safeguards that have been put in place for us.”
McClanahan added, “I can no longer be associated with the national Democratic Party due to them introducing bills that negatively affect my community and my livelihood.”
Hieatt said he flipped because Democrats just don’t care enough at the state and national levels.
“I appreciate the friendships and support I have had through the years by being affiliated with this party; however, I feel the Democratic Party’s interests, especially on the state and national levels, have continued to rapidly go in the opposite direction of the beliefs that my wife and I share,” he said.
“I’m not saying our locally elected Democratic officials are bad. What has upset me is on the state and national level,” he continued. “I think our locally elected Democrats truly care for our people in Tazewell County, but the ones in the state and national level do not care about our citizens.”
Hieatt added that he was driven to the Republicans because of the Democrats’ embrace of gun control laws and softer penalties on criminals.
“Why are we being easy on criminals, not the victims?” Hieatt said. “Laws need to make it harder on criminals and not on victims.”
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