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As Democrats Work Relentlessly To Pass $3.5T Spending Plan, One Poll Reveals The Public Is Just Saying No

One of President Joe Biden’s key priorities – blowing out $3,5 trillion of U.S. taxpayers’ money to expand an already gargantuan welfare state – is in trouble because a couple of center-leaning Democrats object.

The White House would prefer you believe that those Democrats – Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona – and the GOP half of Congress are out of step with the American people.

On Monday, Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki maintained that “80 percent” of Americans back Biden’s bill.

It was a number so nice that Psaki, who did not share where it came from, used it thrice during Monday’s press briefing.

Well, the pollster Rasmussen Reports would like a word.

On the same day Psaki made her claim, the right-leaning firm released a poll of 1,000 likely voters – 79 percent of whom said they were following the issue closely – that found only 36 percent support Biden’s plan.

Instead, 53 percent opposed its passage, and that included 41 percent who said they “strongly” opposed it.

In a different wrinkle of the issue, Rasmussen pointed out that those who disapprove of Biden’s performance overwhelmingly did not want the massive spending plan to pass, by a margin of 87-6.

That’s significant because Biden’s approval numbers have been sinking, falling to around 42 percent in recent surveys.

Offering further evidence of Biden’s perception problem with the public, Rasmussen also asked voters about a comment by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Last week, the Kentucky Republican said leftists seek “to use this terrible but temporary pandemic as a Trojan horse for permanent socialism. And President Biden, who ran as a unifying moderate, is either powerless to stop them or does not wish to.”

Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly agreed.

Yet so did 46 percent of Democrats, 56 percent of independents, as well as 62 percent of black voters and 60 percent of other minorities. 

As the conservative Media Research Center noted, “Luckily, based on Rassmussen’s polling, it appears voters are rejecting the media narrative.”

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One Reply to “As Democrats Work Relentlessly To Pass $3.5T Spending Plan, One Poll Reveals The Public Is Just Saying No”

  1. Well, maybe that pollster needs an education refresher in statistics and scientific polling, cuz that is a trash poll. Hey, I conducted a poll of 1000 voters, and amongst those who say they are “highly concerned about election integrity” 75% of them also opposed the 3.5t infrastructure bill. Lol. Gtfoh.

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