When centrist Sen. Joe Manchin torpedoed President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion Build Back Better expansion of the welfare state, aging actress Bette Midler said what many liberals no doubt believed.
In a tweet aimed at the constituents of the West Virginia Democrat, the snobbish, elitist Bette Midler ranted, “What #JoeManchin, who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn, has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state, is horrible. He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate, and strung out.”
And many lefties in the media and Hollywood piled on.
But, as it turns out, the folks of West Virginia are not as “illiterate” as Midler and many of her ilk think. In fact, they are far better at readin’ and writin’ than the anchors of leftdom: California and New York.
According to JustTheNews.com, West Virginia’s literacy rate ranks 35th nationally. Overall, 86.6 percent of the state’s residents are proficient at reading and writing.
In comparison, California’s literacy rate is the lowest in America, at 76.9 percent.
Two other liberal stalwarts – New York and New Jersey – are almost as bad. In New York, 77.9 percent of citizens are literate, while in New Jersey the rate is 83.1.
West Virginia also outperforms another left-wing hotspot – Hawaii – which records a literacy rate of 84.1 percent.
JustTheNews.com explained that perhaps one reason is that West Virginia has a much higher rate or native-born residents, compared to magnets for foreigners like California and New York.
Only 1.6 percent of West Virginia is foreign-born, the smallest ratio in the country.
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