As Biden Declares War On “MAGA Republicans,” His Party Is Trying To Elect Them


As Biden Declares War On “MAGA Republicans,” His Party Is Trying To Elect Them

Last week, conservative commentator Stephen L. Miller wrote a piece noting President Joe Biden’s hypocrisy on COVID-19.

Last week, conservative commentator Stephen L. Miller wrote a piece noting President Joe Biden’s hypocrisy on COVID-19.

As Miller pointed out, Biden recently cited the ongoing pandemic as a reason to jam through a constitutionally dubious executive order erasing student-loan debt for borrowers making up to $125,000 a year.

Yet just a month earlier, Biden’s administration was in federal court in Louisiana calling for an end to Title 42, the law used by former President Donald Trump to say the pandemic was justification to boot illegal immigrants back to Mexico without a hearing.

That same hypocritical mindset is now at the center of the Democrats’ election strategy, as Fox News recently noted.

After Biden’s angry, hateful speech last week demonizing “MAGA Republicans,” other Democrats and left-wing commentators have seized on the rhetoric. Liberal MSNBC contributor Roland Martin, for example, ranted on Saturday, “We are at war with these people. These folks are evil. They have allowed evil into their house with Donald Trump. He has now dominated the party. This evil is spreading. And when you are in a war footing, you have to respond accordingly. It’s about time President Joe Biden decides get tough.”

Martin is clearly close to crossing a line about inciting violence. But we all know neither his network nor others in his sphere will do anything about his hate.

Yet, as Fox reported, we have reason to doubt the sincerity of such comments by Biden, Martin or others.

“Despite Biden’s recent rhetoric, multiple Democratic campaign groups have spent more than $46 million to boost candidates who support former President Donald Trump in several primary races, apparently aiming to force out more moderate Republicans and potentially make general election matchups more favorable for Democrats,” Fox reported on Friday.

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Fox then proceeded to provide examples of Democrats dropping big money across the country to support Trump’s “MAGA Republicans,” in states like Michigan, Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Colorado.

It’s a dicey strategy given that 75 percent of the country thinks that Biden and the Democrats have America on the wrong track and that Biden’s personal disapproval rating has hovered between 55 and 60 percent for more than a year.

And it also seems weird that Democrats have dropped almost $50 million supporting a movement they are at “war” with.

Maybe, as with most of their issues, Democrats really aren’t serious or honest about what they say.   

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Free Press.

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