America’s Future Files Amicus Brief in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Supporting Second Amendment Protections

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America’s Future Files Amicus Brief in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Supporting Second Amendment Protections

NORTH PORT, FLORIDA , UNITED STATES, May 6, 2022 / — America’s Future, Inc., a national leader in the fight to preserve individual rights, promote American values and traditions, and protect the nation’s Constitutional Republic, announced that it submitted an Amicus Brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on May 2, 2022, in connection with a case regarding the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – the right to bear arms. The filing was submitted by America’s Future and 10 other amici organizations supporting the position of the Appellees – the original Plaintiffs – in the case, Todd Yukutake and David Kikukawa v. Holly Shikada, in her official capacity as the Attorney General of the State of Hawai’i, et al., No. 21-16756 (2022).

In the brief, America’s Future asks the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm the summary judgement granted in favor of the Plaintiffs at the District Court level by Chief U.S. District Judge for the District of Hawaii, Judge Michael Seabright, on August 16, 2021, declaring that Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) § 134-2(e) and HRS § 134-3(c), in relevant parts, were unconstitutional and in violation of the Second Amendment.

“America’s Future is committed to ensuring that our rights as citizens shall never be infringed,” said Mary O’Neill, Executive Director of America’s Future. “We must never forget and never lose sight of how the creation of our nation came to be a Constitutional Republic. Our organization believes that the Ninth Circuit must affirm Chief Judge Seabright’s decision protecting the Second Amendment.”

In addition to this case, America’s Future has joined in a number of other Amicus filings. To read more about these filings, please visit our Law & Policy page on our website at

Founded in 1946, America’s Future, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to protecting the individual rights of every American and our Judeo-Christian values that make America exceptional. We do our work through educational and informational initiatives, strategic partnerships, communications, and networking opportunities that empower Americans to get involved in the fight to preserve the American way of life, now and for generations to come. For information, visit

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