After Biden Pledges To Nominate A Black Woman To Supreme Court, Conservatives Point Out His “Horrific” Record Opposing Blacks For The High Court  


After Biden Pledges To Nominate A Black Woman To Supreme Court, Conservatives Point Out His “Horrific” Record Opposing Blacks For The High Court  

As President Joe Biden contemplates the Supreme Court decision by announcing he will appoint only a liberal black woman to fill the pending vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, his racist-adjacent past keeps coming back to haunt him.

Recall that in 2019 it was then-candidate, and current vice president, Kamala Harris who accused Biden of palling around the segregationist Southern Democrats.

By association with them, Harris maintained, Biden was blocking attempts to integrate public schools and keep minority children from obtaining a better education.

Biden apparently sought to shore up his woke bona fides not only by naming Harris as his running mate, in fulfilling a pledge to pick a black woman, but he has also launched the most woke presidency in history.

Now, he will seek to install another black woman to a high post, even as public opinion polling shows Americans want Biden to consider all possible candidates by a 3 to 1 margin.

Yet some on the right are pointing out Biden was against nominating blacks to America’s highest courts before he supported putting them on the bench.

On Thursday, after Biden floated his plan once Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, conservative journalist Benny Johnson noted on Twitter, “Hate to break it to you but the only black person serving on the Supreme Court today was personally attacked, defamed and slandered by Joe Biden before he voted AGAINST him.”

Johnson then added another tweet from Justice Clarence Thomas’s first-person documentary. Thomas recalled the attacks on him when he was nominated to the court in 1991. In the documentary, Thomas notes, “We know exactly what’s going on here. And to pretend that it’s for some other reason … Do I have stupid written on the back of my shirt? We know what this is all about … so people should tell the truth. This is the wrong black guy, he has to be destroyed. Just say it. Then now, at least we’re honest.”

In the clip, Thomas also recalls being questioned by Biden, then the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, about natural law and its influence on the Constitution.

“One of the things you do in hearings,” Justice Thomas said, “is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they are talking about.”

On Sunday, Breitbart News raised another time Biden was significantly less progressive than his current woke self.

For two years, Biden led the Democrats’ efforts to filibuster Janice Rogers Brown, a black California Supreme Court Justice and President George W. Bush’s nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which is generally a stepping stone to a Supreme Court seat.

Biden was joined in that push by then-Sen. Barack Obama, who claimed he opposed Brown because she was “a political activist who happens to be a judge.”

Brown ultimately was confirmed in 2005 and remained on the D.C. Circuit until retiring in 2017.

Last week, Fox News host Laura Ingraham called Biden out for this hypocrisy.

“He voted three times against confirming her just to be a U.S. circuit judge. I mean, this wasn’t even to the Supreme Court. So, race and gender, they only count if you’re thought to be a committed judicial activist, judicial leftist,” Graham said.

Mike Davis, a conservative legal activist and a former general counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee, tweeted, “For nearly 2 years, Senate Democrats — including Joe Biden — filibustered the nomination of then-California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown to the D.C. Circuit. She likely would have been the first Black female Justice. Democrats only pretend to care about diversity.”

Lavern Spicer, a black Republican running for Congress in Florida’s 24th Congressional District, noted on Twitter, “Janice Rogers Brown would have been the first black woman on the Supreme Court. What stopped her? Joe Biden. Twice.”

Also on Twitter, Scott Jennings, a GOP political strategist, and CNN contributor, added, “There’s one African American on the Supreme Court. If Biden had his way he wouldn’t be there. Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, Miguel Estrada. Look ‘em up – Biden worked his heart out to block them. Horrific record on this.”

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