“Acelera UCAB / Italbank”, a program to support and promote entrepreneurs

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“Acelera UCAB / Italbank”, a program to support and promote entrepreneurs

Carlos Dorado, President - Italbank International

“At Italbank we believe in traditional values: work, education, sports and entrepreneurship, as engines of wealth generation for society in general. If we manage, through this association with UCAB, to sow and train more successful entrepreneurs every day

Luz Aimara Morales - Acelera UCAB Italbank

“Currently it is a palpable need to acquire tools that allow designing solutions in a particular environment and context and generating business models that are sustainable. Likewise, it is extremely important to stimulate, from networking, meaningful rel

Professionals and entrepreneurs will be able to apply for one of the scholarships to participate in a 12-week virtual academic experience

“En Italbank creemos en los valores tradicionales: trabajo, educación, deporte y emprendimiento, como motores de generación de riqueza para la sociedad en general. ”

— Carlos Dorado

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, July 14, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — From June 23 to July 14, 2021, entrepreneurs from any part of Venezuela, and even outside the country, will have the opportunity to apply for one of the quotas of the first cohort of entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs of "Acelera UCAB / Italbank ”, a program created by the University's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in partnership with Italbank International, to provide training and support to groups that have business ideas or social value in the initial phase and want to turn them into a successful reality .

Through this 12-week virtual academic experience, participants will obtain conceptual, technical and attitudinal tools for the preparation of a minimum viable product that can be introduced into the market. In addition, they will have expert mentors in the different business areas, who will provide them with personalized advice, throughout the program, to promote their idea and consolidate their entrepreneurial initiative.

As reported by the director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE UCAB), Luz Aimara Morales, with this project the UCAB seeks to continue fulfilling its mission of "encouraging and promoting business and growth opportunities from the Academy" to members of the university community and general public, through alliances with important actors in the business sector, which contribute to promoting ideas that generate economic and social growth.

Thanks to the economic contribution of Italbank, up to 10 teams of entrepreneurs will receive a full scholarship to be part of the first edition of the course. The president of the financial institution, Carlos Dorado, expressed his satisfaction at promoting this academic initiative, which he described as “an old dream” and a challenge that the organization he directs takes on with “great pride and commitment”.

How to apply for the program? This will be the selection process

Luz Aimara Morales commented that "Acelera UCAB / Italbank" is focused on strengthening entrepreneurial groups rather than individuals. For this reason, those interested in participating in the first edition of the program must meet the following requirements:

1.- Have an idea to undertake in the gestation or start-up phase, which has been implemented at least once.

"It is not essential or mandatory that it has generated income," Morales explained. It can be a business idea or research projects or generation of social and / or environmental value, but it must be original and independent of existing business structures ”.

2.- Have a work team of two to three members, whose members must be of legal age and possess the documents required by law (ID, RIF and Military Registry).

3.- Present a descriptive record of the idea, an explanatory video of the project and the team's profile, in addition to filling out the respective form.

The director of the CIE specified that, after receiving all the applications, between July 14 and 28, a jury of experts will make a pre-selection of up to 30 proposals, based on the analysis of six basic criteria related to any undertaking: viability, replicability, scalability, innovation, impact on the environment and business model.

"The shortlisted will go through a 'pitching' process, through which they will have to present or sell, in an attractive and summarized way, the idea to the members of the jury, who in the end will choose up to 10 teams that will have the possibility of registering and receiving the benefits of the program, ”said Morales, who reported that the names of those favored will be made known through the official UCAB platforms, during the last week of July.

For request an additional information, this email has been arranged acelera@ucab.edu.ve.

The page is also available https://ciap.com.ve/oferta/programa-acelera-ucab/

Five Modules to Drive Success – Program Details

The training and support activities of the “Acelera UCAB / Italbank” program will begin on September 6 and will end on December 9, 2021. Thinking about the limitations imposed by the pandemic and taking advantage of virtuality, the course was designed to be taken through a digital learning platform called "Virtual Space for Acceleration", with five work modules, distributed over 12 weeks and 84 academic hours.

The modules include consumption of theoretical content, personalized advisory sessions and autonomous work of the participants in fundamental areas for the success of entrepreneurship projects, including the entrepreneur's profile, the ideation process, marketing, finances, the legal structure. and intellectual property, in addition to the strategic and operational planning of the projects.

As a culmination, participants must present a detailed business plan about the project they worked on during the process and a closing pitch or explanatory video about their initiative.

"We are considering the possibility of holding an event in which participants can present their ideas to different businessmen and key allies," said Luz Aimara Morales, who reported that entrepreneurs will obtain a certificate endorsed by the International Center for Professional Updating (CIAP) of the UCAB.

She also said that the participants will be able to join as mentors, facilitators and tutors of future editions, in addition to taking part in social outreach activities developed by the CIE UCAB in the communities. "This will be the modality of volunteering and social impact of our graduates," she concluded.

Those interested in obtaining details about the requirements and steps to apply for the “Acelera UCAB / Italbank” program can write to accelelera@ucab.edu.ve and can follow the following social media accounts:

@CieUCAB (Instagram)

@EnlaUCAB (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook)

@Ciap_UCAB (Twitter and Instagram)

@Italbank (Twitter and Instagram)

https://ciap.com.ve/oferta/programa-acelera-ucab/ is also available

www.ciap.com.ve is also available


El Ucabista / Diego Salgado / UCAB


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Carlos Dorado
Organizacion Italcambio
+1 305-308-2289
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