Accused Pennsylvania Commuter-Train Rapist Was An Illegal Immigrant Kept In The Country By A Lax Immigration System


Accused Pennsylvania Commuter-Train Rapist Was An Illegal Immigrant Kept In The Country By A Lax Immigration System

Adding insult to injury, the Philadelphia homeless man who raped a woman on a commuter train for 30 minutes as bystanders either watched or recorded the incident is an illegal immigrant who should have been deported years ago.

The suspect, a native of Congo, entered the country in 2012 on a student visa, but remained in America after that expired and despite multiple arrests, including one on a sex charge, the Daily Mail of London reported Wednesday.   

Ngoy, the paper noted, “was protected from deportation by the immigration system despite multiple convictions as recent as this May.”

The attack occurred last week. Police said at least 10 people did nothing as it happened, even as the train made 27 stops along its route.

The Daily Mail reported that Ngoy was arrested multiple times after remaining in the country illegally.

His rap sheet included two misdemeanor convictions, one for controlled substances and one for sexual abuse. Ngoy pled guilty to the sex charge in 2017 in Washington, D.C., and was sentenced to four months in jail, plus nine months of probation.

The Trump administration moved him to immigration detention in January 2018.

Yet he continued to live here.

The Daily Mail noted that an immigration judge withheld his removal in March 2019. That ruling was based on a federal appeals board determination that the sex offense was not a “serious crime” that made Ngoy eligible to be deported.

Ngoy was arrested twice more within the past year, Both were disorderly conduct charges, one in January 2020 and the other just five months ago.

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