A New Poll Indicates Buyer’s Remorse Among Biden Voters Is Real And Growing


A New Poll Indicates Buyer’s Remorse Among Biden Voters Is Real And Growing

While the state of President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities remains a mystery, a second public opinion poll has revealed the mindset of many of his supporters – and it’s not good.

Zogby Analytics, in a survey released on Friday, reported that fully 20 percent of Biden voters are in full-blown regret mode.

Zogby also noted that 76 percent expressed no buyer’s remorse, and another 4 percent weren’t sure.

The pollster acknowledged that 1 in 5 of respondents having a change of heart “doesn’t seem like much” of a negative for Biden.

But the firm said context mattered in that 20 percent figure.

One had to take into account the size of the electorate – 20 percent equates to about 16 million voters – and how close the 2016 and 2020 elections were, being decided by a few thousand in each of a handful of battleground states.

Biden “still has time to recover,” Zogby noted, yet he also “has suffered humiliating defeats in recent weeks.”

“One still gets the sense his ship is sinking fast, and he might not have any lifeboats aboard to save him. Biden’s low approval numbers, the botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, and inflation eating away the purchasing power of Americans are the president’s biggest problems now.”

Zogby also pointed out that some demographic groups that “normally lean left and Democrat were even more regretful about voting for the president in 2020.”

For instance, about 30 percent of voters between 18 and 49 wanted a do-over, according to the poll.

Additionally, after former President Donald Trump and Biden more or less split the vote among men, now about 27 percent of male voters regret having supported Biden.

Moreover, 29 percent of Republicans who were convinced to abandon Trump now regretted that decision.

Interestingly, Zogby found that Biden buyer’s remorse was stronger among minorities than among whites. With Hispanics, 33 percent of Biden backers had turned on the president, as did 25 percent of blacks. Comparatively, just 16 percent of white voters admitted voting for Biden was a mistake.

As a side note, Zogby pointed out that its poll was taken before the chaotic exit from Afghanistan. And it was evenly split among the parties, involving 38 percent each of Democrats and Republicans, and 24 percent independents.

The Free Press reported in mid-August that a survey by conservative pollster Rasmussen Reports showed that Biden would receive only 37 percent of the vote if a rematch with Trump were held today, compared to the 51.3 percent of the vote the Democrat received on Election Day.

Rasmussen also noted, “Among voters who say they voted for Biden in last year’s election, 12% now say they regret their vote. By comparison, only two percent (2%) of Trump voters now regret their vote.” Stated differently, Rasmussen revealed, “Of voters who say they regret their vote in last year’s presidential election, a majority (51%) say they would vote for Trump if the next election were held today, while just 26% say they would vote for Biden.”

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