By: Donald J. Trump
The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report! The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over.
The number includes 23,344 mail-in ballots, despite the person no longer living at that address. Phantom voters!
The official canvass does not even match who voted, off by 11,592—more than the entire Presidential Election margin. Voters who voted in multiple counties totaled 10,342, and 2,382 ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County.
There were also 2,592 “more duplicate ballots than original ballots.” Just those fraudulent ballots alone total 50,252 and is fraud many more times than the so-called margin of “victory,” which was only 10,457.
In addition, election data appears to have been intentionally deleted, and ballot images were “corrupt or missing.” This is not even the whole state of Arizona, but only Maricopa County. It would only get worse!
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And yet… People listen to Trump for some insane reason.
Trump is excellent at finding new ways to lose the 2020 election.
Trump will be your President in 2024 !
POVEN ELECTION FRAUD ! and the entire country knows it. Americans are slow to anger but yours is coming.
Trump is the man he deserves to be president again a 100 times fold the country wasn’t in a down hill miss like it is now everything was going good now look at what we have absolute nothing i.say bring back trump bring back trump bring back trump
Shit people trump is nothing but a lying cheating 2 bit thug who has thr I Q of a moron. We can’t let that stupid idiot anywhere around the white house again !!!
Trump has helped this country .ore than any president in my life
I agree Trump in 2024 . Vote out the Dems. They’re deplorable.
Trump in 2024. We don’t want any more embarrassment from the white house. We need someone with balls to not give this country away.
Trump is a terrorist, and voting for him is treason.
It’s truly unbelievable that people, especially women, still support this s@umbag. Those of you who support him, do you even know who this guy is? For 74 yrs, he’s only care about himself. That’s it. HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU. Don’t you get that?? Loyalist are thrown under the bus without him thinking twice and yet people still sidle up to him. It’s pathetic!!
He’s not a republican, and he’s not a democrat. He has no political platform – did you not notice that the republicans did not detail their policies before the 2020 election like each party does every presidential election? There’s no Republican party platform right now. Hello??
How is it that this guy’s supporters are so in the dark about the realities of our current situation? Are they not using logic and reason? Can they not read and comprehend trump’s history?
Truly unbelievable.
So Trump lost Arizona. Again.
I’ve been hearing that nobody loses better than Trump.
Many people are saying that. Many people. Good people, on both sides. Believe me.
Anyone still supporting this lying grifter has to be a moron.
No single person in the history of the USA has done more damage to democracy.
He will go down in history as the biggest mistake America ever made.
Mind my words…Trump will go down soon, and he will take all his cult following with him. Do the words Jim Jones and Ghana mean anything to you?? Wise up, leave on your own, don’t be a follower, be a leader.
You are a dumb fuck. Go back into you hole.
Trump was the worst President we have ever had.
Except Trump was an embarrassment.
Democrat crime syndicate. Nothing is more un-American than a Democrap supporter. I remember just two years ago when this country was making HISTORY. Lowest unemployment rates, across the board, in HISTORY. Stock markets were surging, more so ever in HISTORY. Our country was once again energy independent. Our economy was strongest in the HISTORY of our nation. Our southern border was secure. We were bringing jobs and companies back home, to America. Now, just 9 moths later, we are back to trash. Crime rates highest in HISTORY. Illegal border crossings highest in HISTORY. Economy is shit. Employment rates are shit. Jobs going back over seas. Gas prices back up. Inflation margin highest in HISTORY. What a joke the democratic clowns are. It’s an embarrassment to REAL Americans.
Do you really think things are better with Biden who is in every corrupt regime’s pocket.