The Obstinate Grandmother, The Free Press

Thoughts From The Obstinate Grandmother, Volume 5 – Vaccine Mandate

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m The Obstinate Grandmother.

I’m opinionated, armed to the teeth, and subtle as a 2 x 4 upside your head if you insist on pushing my buttons. I have no patience for stupid or lazy people and I won’t filter my first amendment rights to coddle your fragile little feelings. So all you “woke” people yearning for safe spaces and participation trophies, you best be moving along.

But for the rest of you, strap in sweeties because I’m fixing to give you the straight-up skinny on something that really pisses me off.

Today’s Topic: “Vaccine Mandate”

Hey Sweeties Sorry that I didn’t post anything last week, but, have you ever been so pissed off that the only thing that fell out of your face was a series of incoherent rants laced with vulgar expletives? Yeah? Well, that was where I was.

While they say if you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all, the best I can say is that my curse words will be left to a minimum.

Last week I heard Joe Biden say that “Our patience is wearing thin,” with the unvaccinated. His patience is wearing thin? Oh honey, you have no idea.

First of all, did you notice the complete absence of any mention of any people that have contracted covid and have a natural immunity? What about those people? Why are they being forced to be vaccinated?

My body my choice? That’s another thing that pisses me off.

Pro-abortionists are laughing at those who say the vaccination should be a choice.

The choice for someone to not have a vaccination may create the side effect that the vaccination has the possibility to cause death. That is truly my body my choice. Don’t go there with me. Yours is the absolute intent to kill another. Moving on.

You don’t want to be near me? Hell sweetie, I don’t want to be anywhere near 6 feet from you. Wear your mask and stay the hell away from me. We’ll both be happier.

I now understand the meaning of misery loves company, you have a desire to make me as miserable as you, Well Honey, I’m not playing your game.

I didn’t create this virus but now I’m required to take a vaccine to protect “you”.  If you’ve had the vaccine and are wearing a mask what difference is it to you what the hell I do?

Let’s get back to Joe Biden’s mandate. Ever heard of HIPAA laws? It’s a Federal law, a privacy law that restricts who can receive your private information. Now they are saying it doesn’t apply to you.

You know what? I’m done chattering at this point Sweeties, I save this for very special occasions, and, if you’re under 18, close your eyes… Joe Biden, Kiss my ass. For the record, I wanted to say something else but my editor told me I could only say that in my inside voice.

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