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New Service Launched to Help Parents And Grandparents Get Their Kids' Drawings Into Book Form & Published on-Line

Children’s Books with Simple Drawings Make Beautiful Books

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Sample Book Covers Featuring kid’s Art

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McGuire’s daughter’s crab art was ideal for notecards and a book!

If Your Kids or GrandKids Love to Draw or Paint, This New Service Is For You

..there are potentially many side benefits, including a, "someday-get-into-Harvard or Princeton boost: "I published my first book at the age of 7”

— Jake McGuire

TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA, July 26, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Top Washington, D.C. photographer Jake McGuire, who has 15 books in print has expanded into helping young artists' families get their kids' first book published.

McGuire says in this day and age, it is nearly impossible for most people–and particularly kids– to break into the big -time publishing houses which distribute books to bookstores. "So my new services operate in the current digital realm where parents provide me their kids' artwork and I design and format the books so they get accepted on Amazon's online bookstore where the books can then get exposed to the entire world."

"A child's self-esteem will skyrocket when they see they are the author of their own book!" says McGuire, "Not every kid is good at sports, math, or spelling but many can draw and paint beautifully, so having their own book is truly an admirable achievement, and makes a beautiful hand-out gift at family reunions, weddings, and birthdays."

In addition, there are potentially many side benefits, including a, "someday-get-into-Harvard or Princeton boost: "I published my first book at the age of 7!"

"Some kids just love to draw or paint, like my daughter did," says McGuire, "and I love their often simple, Zen-like art, so I jumped in business of enabling families to help create books for their youngsters." And, he discovered his first clients are grandparents who instantly see the merit in making it happen.

"To produce a book," he says, "your child's or grandchild's art collection should be a minimum of 25 or 30 drawings, painting or even chalk drawings on the sidewalk." McGuire notes that things like chalk drawings and wall art can be photographed with mom or dad's cell phone, so all art is fair game.

McGuire says groups like siblings or scouts can join together for a book to promote a worthy cause or help enlighten communities with likes the little piggy book shown here, "Our Farm Feeds America." McGuire says a farm book is the perfect item for agricultural states like Florida to enlighten city kids about where their food comes from or perhaps to display or enter a competition at the state fair.

McGuire has been publishing books for more than 30 years. His current titles include a coffee-table (photography) book, called, "Washington, D.C a Little Square Picture Book," a non-fiction book entitled, "How My Heavenly Mother Saved Me From The Hellish Nuns," and a devilishly funny book of his cartoons, "Cartoons Too Funny For The New Yorker."

To find out how create a book for your little artists, see McGuire's Website, www.jakemcguire.com


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Jake McGuire
McGuire Communications
+1 703-888-6320
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