CLEARWATER, Fla. – Clearwater Police traffic enforcement officers made two arrests for street racing late Thursday amid a citywide crackdown on dangerous driving.
The two arrests came during an enhanced enforcement detail on the Courtney Campbell Causeway, McMullen Booth Road, Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Drew Street.
A total of 42 traffic stops were conducted, with six arrests being made, including five for DUI. Thirty-three drivers were cited for speeding.
At 7:40 p.m. at Drew Street and Hillcrest Avenue, Eric Howard (DOB 1-14-1978) of Clearwater was stopped after he was racing another vehicle. He was going 71 mph in a 40 mph zone. He was booked in to the Pinellas County Jail on a charge of racing on a highway, as well as driving under the influence.
At 9:09 p.m. at Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard just west of Belcher Road, Landon Braciulis (DOB 10-11-2002) of Clearwater was seen racing another vehicle. He was going more than twice the speed limit – 86 mph in a 40 mph zone. He, too, was booked in to jail on a charge of racing on a highway.
“We are seeing an increase in serious vehicle crashes, so you can expect to see more focused traffic enforcement in the future,” said Police Chief Dan Slaughter. “The racing certainly reflects the most egregious violations, but all people need to be mindful of driving the speed limit, staying alert, and not allowing themselves to become distracted.”
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