New Poll Shows Tenets Of Critical Race Theory Are Popular Only Among Extreme Leftists


New Poll Shows Tenets Of Critical Race Theory Are Popular Only Among Extreme Leftists

Critical Race Theory, in a nutshell, promotes racism, of the anti-white variety, under the guise of fighting racism against black Americans.

Proponents of this criticism of America’s “structural racism” rarely have concrete examples of where it manifests its ugly head today – as they could have produced 60 years ago in the Jim Crow South.

Instead, they tell us that evidence of such racism lies in ridiculous things like highway construction (Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg), math (the Oregon Education Department), and the use of standard American English (Walt Disney Co.).

But the good news is that some Americans are tired of being blamed for things they did not do.

As former President Donald Trump sought to do, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned the teaching of CRT in public schools. Oklahoma has similarly banned CRT from public schools. In a Dallas suburb, anti-CRT candidates recently swept a school board race by a 70-30 margin.

And in Loudon County, Virginia, a petition to recall school board members who promote CRT recently drew 1,500 signatures in six hours.

Competitive Edge Research, and released by Parents Defending Education, a group that says it opposes the introduction of “toxic” curricula in schools, released a poll that showed parents overwhelmingly oppose CRT in schools.

For example, when asked if schools should “assign White students the status of ‘privileged’ and assign non-white students the status of ‘oppressed,’” 88 percent said no.

When asked if schools should “teach students that America was founded on racism and remains structurally racist today and that racism is the cause of all differences in outcomes and achievement between racial groups,” 58 percent strongly disagreed and another 10 percent somewhat disagreed, as 26 percent strongly or somewhat agreed.

Asked if schools should “teach students that achieving racial justice and equality between racial groups requires discriminating against people based on their Whiteness,” 84 percent said no, just 6.3 percent said yes.

When asked if schools should “change U.S. history classes so that they focus on race and power and promote social justice political issues,” 59 percent said no, while 30 percent said yes.

And before people think this was a Republican poll, it is true that, according to the methodology, almost 48 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, compared to nearly 33 percent who were very or somewhat liberal.

But by a 23 to 21 margin, they favored CNN and MSNBC over Fox News and One American News Network and split 35 percent each when asked if they always or mostly voted for one party over the other.

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