Once upon a time, the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, was the bible of cutting-edge news about developments in medicine.
Now, JAMA, as it’s known, is just another source of wokeism.
Dr. Edward Livingston was terminated – he actually resigned but after it was clear he couldn’t stay – as JAMA’s deputy editor for clinical reviews and education after he dared to question the existence of “structural,” or systemic, racism.
According to the conservative group Campus Reform, Livingston hosted a podcast in February and asked a guest, another physician, Dr. Mitchell Katz, how racism could be “so embedded in society that it’s considered structural?”
Katz apparently offered some examples, which prompted Livingston to reply, “I feel like I’m being told I’m a racist in the modern era because of this whole thing about structural racism, but what you’re talking about, it isn’t so much racism as much as that there are populations – it’s more of a socioeconomic phenomenon – that have a hard time getting out of their place because of their environment.”
Livingston added, “And it isn’t their race; it isn’t their color; it’s their socioeconomic status. It’s where they are.” Katz apparently agreed, Campus Reform reported.
Check out our ‘Cancel Corner‘, a section we launched in February, where we report on the latest Cancel Cases and stories from around the globe.
The JAMA even promoted the program in a tweet, which read, “No physician is racist, so how can there be structural racism in health care? An explanation of the idea by doctors for doctors in this user-friendly podcast from the great” Dr. Katz.
Livingston was actually canned on March 10, and Campus Reform reported it on Thursday.
The group noted a statement by Dr. James Madara, CEO of the American Medical Association, who responded at that time to the “anger, hurt, frustration and concern about a harmful podcast.”
“To be clear, structural racism exists in the U.S. and in medicine, genuinely affecting the health of all people, especially people of color and others historically marginalized in society,” Madara claimed.
“This is not opinion or conjecture, it is proven in numerous studies, through the science, and in the evidence. As physicians, and as leaders in medicine, we have a responsibility to not only acknowledge and understand the impact of structural racism on the lives of our patients but to speak out against racial injustices wherever they exist in health care and society.”
Part of the evidence Madara that asserts proves his case is an article that argues “U.S. policing has roots in slave patrols,” and which seeks to convince readers that the supposedly “racially unequal nature of the U.S. criminal legal system” is a consequence of the racism of the system, and not attributable to the criminal behavior of individual black Americans, relative to whites.
Madara continued with sufficient self-flagellation on behalf of his profession, saying, “The AMA recognizes how our own decisions throughout history have contributed to the inequities that exist in health care, and we have taken a number of actions to address past wrongs. But we must and will do more to help dismantle structural racism across health care, including within our own institution.
Our goal in this, and other work, is to advance health equity and foster social justice. … Not only must we follow our oath to do no harm, we must prevent the harm that inequity inflicts on individuals, communities, and our nation. To fight for equity is to fight for a stronger, healthier, and more unified nation that provides opportunity to all and allows us to realize our full potential.”
Most of us would settle for doctors doing something more concrete, like actually healing disease instead of trying to “heal” a society whose wounds are of dubious and disputable nature.
Check out our ‘Cancel Corner‘, a section we launched in February, where we report on the latest Cancel Cases and stories from around the globe.