Long-time Scouters Honored At Awards Breakfast


Long-time Scouters Honored At Awards Breakfast

May 16, 2020

Provided By: Joe and Lenora Guidry

Two long-time Scout volunteers, Bill and Trish Guglielmi, each with 30 years of community service to the Boy Scouts of America and other community organizations, will be honored at a breakfast June 11. (The event was postponed from March 26 because of COVID-19.)

The Guglielmis will receive the Soaring Eagle Award at the event at 7:30 a.m. at the Centre Club, 123 S, West Shore Blvd. The award, from the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, recognizes individuals who exemplify the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

Bill and Trish, married for almost 43 years, became active in Scouts when their twin sons (both Eagle Scouts and U.S. Army officers) joined Tiger Cubs in 1990. Their daughter joined Girl Scouts and is a Girl Scout Silver Award holder and an archivist at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.  They have three grandchildren, one of whom is in Cub Scouts and two are future Scouts.

When they met each other at Widener University in 1973,  neither anticipated that Scouting would play such a role in their lives.

Bill said, “We are both deeply honored to be recognized by our friends in the Tampa Scouting family.  Scouting is the world’s greatest youth movement and has given our family more than we have ever given to it. “

Trish and Bill are members of Cub Scout Pack 1381’s pack committee and are Fort Brooke District Members at Large. They are members of the Philmont and Summit Staff Associations, the BSA ‘s 2d Century Society and are James E. West Fellows. Both have also served as instructors at Philmont Training Center and staffed multiple jamborees.  

bill and trish Guglielmi
Bill and Trish Guglielmi will receive the Soaring Eagle Award from the Greater Tampa Bay Council, Boy Scouts of America on March 26 at breakfast .

Bill, a retired Army officer and a retired Lockheed Martin project manager, is the Council’s Vice President of Membership. He also is active at the national, regional and area levels of the Boy Scouts of America.  Bill has been honored with the Silver Antelope, Silver Beaver, OA Vigil Honor, OA Founders Award, Distinguished Commissioner Award, St. George, Bronze Pelican, and the Scoutmaster Award of Merit.

A retired guidance counselor from Hillsborough County Public Schools, Trish is the Council’s Wood Badge Coordinator and is the Area 4 Special Needs Scouting Chair.  She has been honored with the Silver Beaver Award and the William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award. 

There is no cost to attend. But during the event, guests will be asked to make a financial pledge to support local Scouting. All proceeds help the Scouting programs in the local community.

For reservations, contact Austin Gary at Austin.Gary@scouting.org or (813) 872-2691.

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