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Don Philpott Elected Vice-Chair of the Newly Formed National Association of State Park Foundations

Florida state park volunteer Don Philpott

Volunteers and friends' groups are an essential part of our nation’s state parks”

— Don Philpott

LONGWOOOD, FL, UNITED STATES, December 18, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — Wekiwa Springs, Florida-based Don Philpott has been elected vice-chair of the newly formed National Association of State Park Foundations which supports and advocates for the army of volunteers and Friends groups that help care for the nation’s state park and forests.

There are more than 6,500 state parks and tens of millions of acres of state and they would not be able to operate without the help of the more than 1,550 state park friends’ groups nationwide and almost 500,000 volunteers, he said.

“These volunteers and groups support the work of park managers and staff, raise funds for projects in the parks, help run educational and environmental programs, and much more. They are an essential part of our nation’s state parks,” he added.

Don is a member of the Wekiva Wilderness Trust and a 20-year volunteer at Wekiwa Springs State Park and is president-elect of the Florida State Parks Foundation, which played a major role in setting up the nonprofit National Association. Last year, more than 10,000 volunteers donated over one million hours to supporting Florida’s award-winning state parks.

Full membership of the National Association is open to all nonprofit groups directly supporting their state parks and affiliate membership is open to individuals, other organizations, and corporate entities that want to support our mission and goals.

Don Philpott
Florida State Parks Foundation
+ 13212778442
email us here


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