Voting Button, Election Day (File)

Op-Ed: The Urgent Need To Address AI’s Role In Shaping Our Democracy

Voting Button, Election Day (File)
Op-Ed By: Dr. Sean Subas Photo: Voting Button, Election Day (File)

As we rapidly approach the 2024 election, a critical issue demands our immediate attention: the pervasive and rapidly expanding influence of artificial intelligence, genAI, on our democratic process. Having spent over four decades at the intersection of technology and public policy, with a Ph.D. in AI from Purdue University, I’ve observed first-hand how AI has evolved from  Science Fiction to a present-day force shaping political outcomes. Today, its impact on our elections is no longer theoretical—it’s an urgent reality we must confront.

Recent reports from U.S. intelligence officials have confirmed what many of us in the field have long feared. Foreign actors, particularly Russia and Iran, are leveraging AI to amplify their influence operations in unprecedented ways. As someone who has advised both government agencies and tech companies on AI applications, I can attest to the alarming sophistication of these efforts.

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AI is serving as an “accelerant,” enabling the rapid creation and dissemination of convincing disinformation. From deep-fake videos to AI-generated social media profiles, the technology is being weaponized to sow division and manipulate voter sentiment at scale. What’s particularly concerning is the ability of AI to tailor disinformation to specific demographics, exploiting existing societal divisions on issues like immigration and healthcare (COVID)—topics I’ve studied extensively in my work on AI’s societal impacts.

But the influence of AI extends far beyond foreign interference. As an analyst of political campaigns, I’ve witnessed firsthand how AI is revolutionizing voter targeting and campaign strategies. While this can lead to more efficient campaigning, it also empowers unethical players. When does personalized outreach cross the line into distortion? As someone who has long advocated for ethical AI use, I believe we must establish clear guidelines/regulations before these practices become widely destructive.

Perhaps most alarmingly, our social media platforms—the primary information sources for tens of millions of voters—are woefully unprepared to combat AI-generated disinformation. Despite my work with tech companies on content moderation strategies, the pace of AI advancement has outstripped our ability to detect and mitigate its misuse. The volume and sophistication of AI-generated content overwhelm current moderation systems, allowing falsehoods to spread virally before their damage can be minimized.

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Time is of the essence in addressing AI’s role in our elections. As we enter the final stretch of the 2024 campaign, every day we delay confronting this issue is a day lost to those who would use AI to undermine our democratic processes. 

We stand at a critical juncture. The technology I’ve spent my career studying and developing now poses a significant threat to the integrity of our elections if left unchecked. Yet, I remain optimistic. With proper understanding, regulation, and innovation, we can harness AI’s potential while mitigating its risks.

The 2024 election will be a testament to our ability to adapt to this new AI-driven reality. As someone who has long straddled the worlds of technology and policy, I urge policymakers, tech leaders, and citizens alike to engage in this crucial conversation now. Our democracy depends on our collective action to ensure that AI serves to enhance, rather than undermine, the electoral process that is the bedrock of our nation.

About The Author

Dr. Sean Subas is a leading political expert specializing in the role of artificial intelligence in shaping elections and voter confidence. With over four decades of experience as a senior executive, consultant, and entrepreneur, he has become an authority on the key issues influencing voters, particularly healthcare and immigration. Dr. Subas is the CEO/Founder of BLISSinHealth, where he provides integrative health plans for a wide range of health issues. He received his Ph.D. in AI from Purdue University.

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