Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz Slams Ethics Committee Investigation “This Is Soviet”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz

Rep. Matt Gaetz has criticized the House Ethics Committee’s investigation into him, describing it as a politically motivated effort lacking due process.

In a letter addressed to Chairman Michael Guest and Ranking Member Susan Wild, Gaetz accused the committee of pursuing a “political payback exercise” and conducting an inquiry fueled by leaks and a focus on deeply personal matters unrelated to Congress.

Related: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz Says Ethics Committee Is Driving ‘Witch Hunt’ With Sex Trafficking Claim

“This is Soviet. This investigation exists to do what the voters of my district won’t — remove me from office. The Committee’s own membership tried to remove me from office via election. That failed, so this is the next iteration of the smear,” blasted Gaetz.

Gaetz alleged that the committee has avoided establishing an Investigative Subcommittee, a standard practice likely to prolong the investigation and increase the influence of those seeking revenge against him. He claimed that the committee members have publicly smeared him and even financially supported a political challenger in a recent campaign.

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In his letter, Gaetz firmly denied accusations of inappropriate behavior, stating that he has never engaged in sexual activity with a minor and has not used illegal drugs. He also reiterated his claim of being “exonerated” by evidence that he says proves he was the target of a plot to frame him, orchestrated by former associate Joel Greenberg.

Gaetz attached a series of exhibits, including documents and testimony, which he believes demonstrate that Greenberg fabricated claims against him.

Gaetz says the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) worked in coordination with the media to spread false allegations against him. He further claimed that the DOJ leaked information to The New York Times to influence witness testimony, and that the investigation ultimately found no chargeable offenses.

Gaetz suggested that the investigation, which involved allegations ranging from sex trafficking to campaign finance violations, was politically motivated due to his role on the House Judiciary Committee, where he frequently challenges the Biden administration.

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The congressman provided evidence of other legal proceedings involving individuals allegedly involved in a scheme to extort his family. He cited the conviction and sentencing of Steven Alford, whom he claims attempted to extort his family with false accusations, as further proof of his innocence.

Gaetz contends that these ongoing efforts by the Ethics Committee are an extension of politically charged attacks against him.

Gaetz concludes his letter by reiterating his claims of innocence and calling the Ethics Committee’s investigation a continuation of a smear campaign against him.

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