Former President Donald Trump (CSPAN)

2024 Republican National Convention Program Announced

Former President Donald Trump (CSPAN)
Former President Donald Trump (CSPAN)

The Donald J. Trump Campaign, together with the Republican National Committee, released program themes Monday for the “Make America Great Once Again” Convention, July 15-18, 2024, in Milwaukee. 

While this Convention will highlight Republican leaders, supporters, industry leaders, and pop culture icons, the real stars of the convention are everyday Americans – who will highlight why the only way to restore the American dream and preserve freedom for future generations is to once again elect President Trump. 

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“From the beginning of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign to Make America Great Again, we’ve received an outpouring of support from everyday Americans who are ready to turn the page on the last four years of failure, disaster, and embarrassment at home and abroad. The 2024 Republican National Convention will showcase President Trump’s vision to turn our country around and launch our America First movement to victory come November.” – Donald J. Trump for President 2024 Senior Advisors Susie Wiles & Chris LaCivita  

“The 2024 Republican National Convention will undoubtedly continue to build the energy and momentum necessary to drive President Donald J. Trump to victory this fall. It’s no coincidence the Convention will lay out President Trump’s vision to restore America in Wisconsin – ground-zero on the road back to the White House.” – Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chairman Lara Trump 

Daily Themes:

Monday: Make America Wealthy Once Again 

During the first Trump administration, America experienced an unprecedented economic boom. President Trump’s America First economic policies slashed cumbersome regulations, cut tax rates, and reworked trade deals to create a fairer playing field for American industry and workers. Under the Biden-Harris administration, all of this progress has stalled or reversed – real wages for American workers are lower than before Biden took office, meanwhile inflation and high energy prices thanks to the Biden’s Green New Deal-inspired, anti-drilling agenda have made everyday life unaffordable for working-class Americans. The second Trump administration will turn the page on the mindless “Bidenomics” agenda and usher in a new age of prosperity.  

Read: Biden Stands Firm, Declines Calls To Step Aside As Democratic Party Faces Critical Juncture

Tuesday: Make America Safe Once Again 

Once iconic American cities and communities have become hollowed out, dystopian nightmares thanks to Joe Biden and Democrats’ “woke” soft-on-crime and open border policies. In Joe Biden’s America, unvetted illegal aliens and deranged criminals are free to roam the streets and terrorize everyday Americans, all while law enforcement is demonized. Cartels have overrun our border, flooding our neighborhoods with enough deadly fentanyl and methamphetamine to kill every American multiple times over. President Donald J. Trump will stand up for our law enforcement and put an end to the senseless crime spree and drug flow that plague America.  

Wednesday: Make America Strong Once Again 

Under Joe Biden, the weakest commander-in-chief in our country’s history, America has become a global laughingstock. From our dumpster fire of a southern border to the botched Afghanistan withdrawal to the Hamas-Israeli war to enabling the Iranian terrorist regime, Biden has repeatedly made the wrong move on the world stage. Under President Trump’s vision, America will once again be strong and secure and put an end to the Biden-Harris administration’s weakness. President Donald J. Trump will secure our borders, curb Chinese and Iranian threats, and restore America’s rightful standing on the world stage. 

Thursday: Make America Great Once Again  President Donald J. Trump will usher in a new golden age for America. At home and abroad, America’s standing will be restored. American families will once again experience prosperity, safety, and strength. Our decaying and decrepit cities and communities will experience a resurgence. Americans will once again have reason to harbor hope and optimism for the future of our country. President Trump will Make America Great Once Again! 

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