Post Pandemic “Security Anxiety” Increases Demand for In-Person and Live Security Awareness Training

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Post Pandemic “Security Anxiety” Increases Demand for In-Person and Live Security Awareness Training

Center for Information Security Awareness

Center for Information Security Awareness

Michael Levin CFISA Founder and CEO

Michael Levin CFISA Founder and CEO

CFISA Founder Michael Levin Sees Onsite Training Requests Double

A new post pandemic “security anxiety” is driving live, on-site training demand to only the most trusted and highly vetted sources for combating cyber-crime.”

— Michael Levin, CEO and Founder, CFISA

BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, January 17, 2023 / — The Center for Information Security Awareness training courses educate employees on proper cyber and data security behavior to best protect organizations from a catastrophic data breach. A post pandemic shift in employee sentiment from apathy to “security anxiety” is driving a record increase in requests from organizations seeking specifically in-person training on security awareness.

“At first, I thought the increase for onsite training requests was a natural response to offices re-opening to employees after pandemic closures. As I have spent time in the field training, I realize the response is coming from a much deeper and concerning, security anxiety,“ stated Michael Levin, CEO and Founder, CFISA and a former Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security (CISA).

“The pandemic brought work home for many employees and with-it increased security threats. As state and non-state actors increase use of irregular warfare tactics, especially cyber-attacks, and people are searching for ways to mitigate and finding misinformation, often placed by the attackers themselves, a new ‘security anxiety’ is impacting workers. Decreased trust in many institutions and information sources, is driving business owners and executives to only the most trusted and highly vetted sources for instruction for combating cyber-crime, and they want that information delivered in-person.”

CFISA CEO and Founder Michael Levin is a former Secret Service Agent and Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security (CISA). After retiring from law enforcement and government service, Michael founded CFISA in 2007 to help businesses, academia and government agencies teach their employees best practices to combat the onslaught of cybercrime.

Combat “security anxiety” in your organization and request a quote for CFISA’s on-site security awareness training from Founder Michael Levin.

James O’Brien
The Center for Information Security Awareness
+1 314-669-5510
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