The parent’s revolt over left-wing politics in public schools, which not long ago had the Biden administration willing to treat them as “domestic terrorists,” apparently hasn’t caught on in Michigan.
The Michigan Democratic Party over the weekend offered a social media post in which it claimed public schools exist to teach students what “society” wants them to learn, not what their parents desire.
“Not sure where this “parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids” is originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire,” the Democratic Party said.
“The purpose of a public education in a public school is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client of the public school is not the parent, but the entire community, the public.”
Naturally, the Democrats forgot to mention one vital part of their half-baked observation: parents in Michigan who may want to send their kids to a private school still must pay for the public schools they don’t use because Michigan does not have a school-voucher program.
As Education Week explained back in 2017, when former President Donald Trump tapped Michigan resident and charter-school champion Betsy DeVos to be his education boss, vouchers are outlawed by Michigan’s state constitution.
“Michigan’s Blaine Amendment expressly prohibits even ‘indirect’ funding of private schools, whether through ‘payment, credit, tax benefit, exemptions or deductions, tuition voucher, subsidy, grant or loan,’” Education Week noted.
More recently, the Michigan Republican Party rightly seized on the Democrats’ post.
“You heard it here first, folks! @MichiganDems are ready to indoctrinate your children with what ‘society needs them to know,’” the state GOP tweeted.
“Does anyone want to tell them #SchoolChoice was a major issue that led to Republican @GlennYoungkin’s victory in VA? Vote out the Democrats!”
Regarding the new governor of Virginia, one thing that arguably swung the momentum in that election was when Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe said he didn’t believe parents should be telling schools what to teach.
The Washington Examiner noted that the Democrats later deleted the post and issued another.
The first post, the party said, according to the Examiner, “ignored the important role parents play — and should play — in Michigan public schools.”
“Parents,” the second post added, “need to have a say in their children’s education, end of story.”
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