CCRKBA: Biden’s Year-End Poll Numbers Explain Strong Gun Sales In 2021

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CCRKBA: Biden’s Year-End Poll Numbers Explain Strong Gun Sales In 2021

A new Rasmussen poll showing Joe Biden has lost ground among likely U.S. voters for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues helps explain the continued interest in private gun ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

According to Rasmussen’s survey, 51 percent of likely voters give Biden a poor rating for his ability to handle rising crime. Back in July, 48 percent of poll respondents gave the president bad marks on this subject. Rasmussen revealed 77 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of Independents rate the president’s handling of crime and law enforcement issues to be poor.

According to the FBI National Instant Check System (NICS), more than 35.7 million background checks have been initiated so far this year, and while that number does not reflect actual gun sales, it does indicate a strong continuing interest in gun ownership.

“Since Joe Biden took office,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “millions of Americans who had never before owned a firearm bought one. During the week leading up to ‘Black Friday’ in November, there were more than 687,000 NICS checks initiated, and we anticipate strong numbers for December when the final tally is available.

“Since Biden took office,” he continued, “police agencies have continued to lose personnel, crime has spiked upward and increasing numbers of Americans have taken more responsibility for their personal safety and that of their families. For a guy who came into office promising more restrictions on legal firearms ownership, Joe Biden has only stoked gun sales because his policies are making Americans feel less safe, because, in fact, they are .

“Joe Biden and his handlers need to face reality,” Gottlieb observed. “Their policies and performance do not resonate with the majority of citizens. When you throw in Rasmussen’s revelation that 67 percent of likely voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction, you have a disaster on your hands, people have lost faith in their ability to lead, and they are preparing for the worst. It’s a signal that Biden should leave gun rights alone for the remainder of his time in office.”

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