50-Foot, 70,000 Pound Sperm Whale Beached Off Florida’s Gulf Coast


50-Foot, 70,000 Pound Sperm Whale Beached Off Florida’s Gulf Coast

50-Foot Sperm Whale Beached Off Florida's Gulf Coast
50-foot Sperm Whale Beached Off Florida’s Gulf Coast. Photo Credit: Don Hubbard, City Of Venice.

Authorities in Venice, Florida, are working to save a beached sperm whale, thought to be around 50 feet long, off the Gulf coast.

The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission reported that the adult live sperm whale was confirmed to have washed up on the beach at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning.

The whale, according to the city, is located 50 yards offshore from Service Club Park on a sandbar.

According to the City of Venice, the FWC says, “Water conditions are too dangerous to approach the sperm whale in distress at Service Club Park by boat to attempt to give the animal a sedative. The whale is estimated to be approximately 50 feet and 50,000-70,000 pounds.”

“Venice Police and Sarasota County Sheriff’s units are assisting Mote Marine Laboratory staff at this time with a beached whale off the coast of Venice. The whale is located on a sandbar about 50 yards out from Service Club Park. The type of whale has not been determined,” said the City of Venice.

Authorities request that people stay away from the area so that Mote personnel can perform their assessments.

According to the FWC, samples will be gathered in an effort to identify the illness’s source and gain additional insight into the health, energetics, and life history of sperm whales.

“Another assessment will be made at low tide, shortly after 7 tonight. Unfortunately, it appears this will likely be a recovery effort as nature takes its course,” said the City of Venice.

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