4 Things That Could Help You Land Your Perfect Role (That You Might Not Expect!)


4 Things That Could Help You Land Your Perfect Role (That You Might Not Expect!)

Jobs Career
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) fizkes / iStock via Getty Images Plus

If you’ve been searching for a job for a while now, you’ll know all too well how frustrating it is when you’ve got the skills you need, but you’re still not being picked for the perfect roles. Sometimes it’s as simple as bad luck; other candidates may have had the same skills as you and just be lucky enough to be chosen over you.

However, sometimes, employers look for other skills beside your working knowledge that you can bring to the table. It’s not all about how well you can perform at the job role listed – it’s about what else they could use if they choose to hire you.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the things you could keep in mind, and perhaps add to your CV or mention in an interview, to help you get the role you’ve been dreaming of.

Networking and relationships

Sometimes it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know. In fact, lots of job opportunities are offered to people within someone’s network over someone who’s perfectly hired. If you haven’t already, join LinkedIn and make some connections within your field; it might just help you land the job of your dreams.

Similarly, you might be favoured because of the contacts you already have. For example, if your friend from school is now high up in a division that could help a potential employer, then that could be a way to help you land that role.

Cultural fit

One thing employers need to keep in mind when interviewing potential candidates is how well they’ll fit into their current team. This is difficult for you because you don’t know who their current team is. 

However, what you can do is demonstrate that you’re as passionate about the company as they are by doing some background research before your interview. Make sure you highlight what excites you and be ready to talk about how you’d slot right into the team like you’d always been there.

Background checks and clearances

If you’re applying for a position in the government, other high-security sectors, or even a role that requires caring for others, you’ll need to undergo a background check (some roles more extensively than others). 

To start, you need to be upfront with all of your histories, even if that means admitting things you’d rather keep quiet about. Sometimes, honesty is all they’re looking for. 

But, sometimes you’ll need a thorough background check for roles in the government, so it might be worth talking with a security clearance lawyer to see if there are any issues that could arise for you and how to navigate them.

Continuous learning you’ve initiated

Finally, most industries are always evolving, and it’s important to employers to look for people who are willing to keep up with the pace. When you’re interviewing, show that you’re keeping up with industry trends by sharing courses you’re studying or pieces you’re reading. It might not seem like much, but doing that shows how willing you are to grow with the company, and it will go a long way when it comes to the hiring decision making process.

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