How To Help A Stubborn Family Member With Hearing Loss


How To Help A Stubborn Family Member With Hearing Loss

Every family has them and no family is without one. Yes, the stubborn one. The one that won’t do anything they won’t want to do without deciding for themselves that it was their idea too. They’re the first ones to kick up a fuss and they’ll be darned if they lose an argument.
photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Every family has them and no family is without one. Yes, the stubborn one. The one that won’t do anything they won’t want to do without deciding for themselves that it was their idea too. They’re the first ones to kick up a fuss and they’ll be darned if they lose an argument.

Stubborn family members can make for quite the challenge when it comes to looking after their health. For those who have hearing loss, they’ll swear blind that they’ve got perfect hearing, much to the frustration of other family members having to shout to communicate with them.

With that in mind, here are a few helpful tips to help keep blood pressure down and to help a stubborn family member with hearing loss.

Tell them of your concerns about their hearing

For those that are stubborn, telling them of your concerns regarding their hearing can help pull on the heartstrings. Not all family members can feel anything for another family member’s stress or concern and they won’t like the idea of upsetting other family members.

Be expressive about your concerns about their hearing, perhaps making suggestions that they go get their ears tested to just put any concerns to rest. They may not like the idea at first but putting in these suggestions early on can really help to get to a solution quicker.

Talk to them about hearing aids

Hearing aids have changed substantially in the last few decades and what was available some twenty years ago has advanced considerably nowadays. In this day and age, you can get otc hearing aids that are relatively small and indistinguishable from those who are looking at a person with them on.

Discuss the option of hearing aids and make comments on how hearing aids have certainly changed since ‘their days’.

Book an audiologist appointment

To keep on at stubborn family members, sometimes they need a bit more of a pushy nudge to get them to get help. Why not book an audiologist appointment? Or at the very least, be with them to encourage their proactiveness in getting an appointment in the diary.

Sometimes it may be a case of having a family member there to help book an appointment, which gets even the most stubborn individuals to fold and give in.

Respect their wishes

After all the pushing to get them to a hearing exam, they may still not want to attend. It’s important that while it can be frustrating and otherwise obvious they need a hearing test, you respect their wishes. At the end of the day, it’s their life to live and it’s important to let them live it with their own independence. 

Don’t aid their stubbornness 

While you respect their wishes, it’s not something you need to be compliant with. Try not to aid their stubbornness by working around their hearing loss. Sometimes being a bit blunt when not wanting to repeat a sentence may help them see sense and to get their hearing checked.

Stubborn family members are hard to convince but they’ll eventually appreciate what you did to help them with their hearing loss.

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