One Georgia lawmaker has found a way to challenge the wokesters, as led by President Joe Biden, at their own game.
Rep. Wes Cantrell posted a 5-minute video on Facebook in which explained new bills he would file in the wake of Biden’s criticism of Georgia’s new election-integrity law as “un-American” and “Jim Crow on steroids” among other names.
Cantrell said one of his bills would be dubbed the “President Joe Biden Jim Crow on Steroids Voting Act.” Accordingly, if enacted, Georgia’s voting laws would be revised to mirror those in Biden’s home state.
He outlined five key features of the bill.
For example, instead of having up to 19 days of early voting in Georgia, as is the case with the new law, Cantrell’s measure would match Delaware’s zero days of early voting.
Additionally, rather than no-excuse absentee voting, as in Georgia, “We’re gonna make you have an excuse,” said Cantrell, saying, as Delaware does, the only acceptable ones would be illness or disability.
He added instead of having secure drop boxes, as Georgia will under the new statute, there would be zero drop boxes.
As for food or drinks, which in Georgia can be supplied by a non-poll worker outside of the 150-foot voting-line buffer, or water by a poll worker inside the zone, Georgia would, to follow Delaware, “make it illegal for you to receive anything of value at any point while you’re standing in line to vote,” said Cantrell.
Finally, the quiet of the polls in Georgia would disappear as, in order to be like Delaware, poll workers would announce voters’ names aloud when they vote and add their party affiliation to the announcement during primaries. That’s so people can challenge the votes.
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In the video, Cantrell added that he had a message for Biden, who, he said, had repeatedly spread lies about Georgia’s laws: “Until you take care of the voting laws in Delaware, I think you should leave Georgia alone. Until you get things right in Delaware, you should probably sit this one out, President Biden.”
Cantrell added that he was planning a second bill after Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer call Georgia’s law “racist.”
On Facebook, Cantrell wrote he would also introduce “The Senator Chuck Schumer ‘Racist Voter Suppression’ Voting Act” – which would make Georgia’s voting laws just like New York’s.
That, he added, would mean just nine days of early voting instead of up to 19 days, and an end to no-excuse absentee voting.
“These politicians really should take the time to know their home state’s voting regulations before they start criticizing others, especially Georgia,” Cantrell wrote.
He acknowledged in the Facebook post that this was all a “political stunt.”
“The left pulls political stunts all the time and yet somehow the media takes them seriously,” Cantrell added.
“Folks don’t fall for the fake outrage and false narrative. Georgia’s new election integrity law restores voter confidence & security & expands access to voting so that Georgia remains a state where its (sic) simple to register, easy to vote & hard to cheat.”
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