Donald J. Trump’s Statement On Georgia Election Law


Donald J. Trump’s Statement On Georgia Election Law

By: Donald J. Trump

Too bad the desperately needed election reforms in Georgia didn’t go further, as their originally approved Bill did, but the Governor and Lt. Governor would not go for it. 

The watered-down version, that was just passed and signed by Governor Kemp, while better than before, doesn’t have Signature Matching and many other safety measures, which were sadly left out.

This Bill should have been passed before the 2020 Presidential Election, not after. It is now reported that chain of custody records for over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are missing or not being shown.  

I wonder why?  Show them now!  The Democrats in Georgia really push the Republicans around, like the so-called Consent Decree, which was illegally signed by the Secretary of State without Legislative Approval—a Democrat DREAM.  Boycott all of the woke companies that don’t want Voter I.D. and Free and Fair Elections.

Other News: Georgia Lawmaker Calls Out Hypocrisy Of Biden And Schumer On Voting Rights

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