Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” Shelved, Its Leader Resigns


Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” Shelved, Its Leader Resigns

The backlash against President Joe Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” apparently had an effect – for the better.

The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it was shelving – at least temporarily – the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board.

The board was going to be tasked with sifting through the country’s political rhetoric to determine what amounted to “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and provide what was purported to be the “truth.”

Conservatives balked widely and loudly after the board’s formation became news in late April. Critics said Biden was taking a page from George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984,” in which the Ministry of Truth determines for citizens what was factual.

Additionally, on Wednesday, Nina Jankowicz, the alleged disinformation expert tapped by Biden to chair the disinfo board, announced that she had resigned from the government.     

Jankowicz told CNN, “I had hoped we would be more transparent about how the board was going to operate and what it was going to do. For whatever reason, that didn’t happen, and that information vacuum only grew. And I think the information vacuum kind of directed a lot of the attacks and digging around in my personal life.”

According to the Post Millennial, Jankowicz also called it “deeply disappointing that mischaracterizations of the Board became a distraction from the Department’s vital work,” as recent events globally and nationally showed why it is necessary.

She also lamented that critics on the right had actually dug out her past social media posts to make the case she was unfit to serve in that role.

That, Jankowicz added to CNN, was both “frustrating and saddening.” She claimed her intention was to serve the American people and bring “my expertise to bear to protect us from threats that affect all of us.”

This, of course, was ridiculous, as the critics claimed.

These previous posts uncovered by Jankowicz’s critics – which she claimed were taken out of context – showed that she was a primary spreader of disinformation.

Before entering government, she parroted and circulated leftist claims that the infamous dossier by former British spy Christopher Steele showed that former President Donald Trump was in cahoots with Russian operatives.

She also asserted that the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop files, and their proof of claims that Joe Biden knew more than he said about Hunter’s shady business deals, was a disinformation campaign, possibly run by the Russians or the Trump campaign. The liberal media in recent weeks have grudgingly admitted the Post’s story -m first reported in October 2020 – was accurate.    

Jankowicz had also promoted the idea, widely spread in the liberal media during Trump’s campaign, that Trump had backchannels to a Russian bank. That, too, was eventually debunked as fiction.

As The Wall Street Journal said in an editorial Wednesday, “Disinformation doctor, refute thyself.”

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